[CAUT] muting center string

Susan Kline skline@peak.org
Thu, 03 Mar 2005 08:13:28 -0800

At 10:09 AM 3/3/2005 -0500, Ed Foote wrote:
>This will make those few stand out.  By letting my ear make the 
>final  overall decision on each note, I feel that I can leave a set of 
>unisons that are  more consistant, and consistancy is what the pianist 
>reacts to.

It's very interesting to see how someone else works on making unisons full, 
stable, and completely uniform. I agree that pianists like the uniformity. 
They don't all point out exactly what it is that they love (assuming that 
one gave them anything to love), but I feel that (first) uniformity, 
(second) a full and  interesting timbre, (third) stability, and (fourth) a 
musical octave size (not necessarily the same width in every register, but 
what works for the piano) is what makes their paths easy and brings a 
sparkle to their eyes. Oh, and a controllable action ...

Your post got saved, Ed, and I don't do much of that anymore. (Life is too 
short to sort and save, most of the time.)

Susan Kline

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