[CAUT] muting center string

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 11:16:18 -0800

"Either a technician competes on quality, or they compete on price"  quote unquote

That will be added to my standard new customer phone spiel...thanks Ed!

In your unison tuning technique, one could just as well tune left string (mute between middle and right string), middle string (mutes on the left and right string) and then pull left string mute and follow your idea of listening to those two SAT tuned strings for perfection, rechecking with SAT, making tweaks and then bring in the right string to left and middle.   Seems easier than holding the mute against the middle string with your right hand while testing, sticking the mute between strings while you make changes going back to muting the middle string....?   Seems like unnecessary fiddling...why the outside strings first?

David Ilvedson 

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