ETD Jumpiness (was Re: [CAUT] Sacrifice (was tuners-technology))

Avery Todd
Mon, 07 Mar 2005 08:45:29 -0600


I assume you know that when you can't get a reading on F3 while playing the 
note, pluck the string and you get a very good one. Courtesy of Jim 
Coleman, Sr. :-)


At 02:38 PM 3/3/2005, you wrote:

>On Thursday, March 3, 2005, at 12:55 PM, Porritt, David wrote:
>>I have thought that the jumpiness in the SAT was due to the fact that it
>>listens to such high partials through most of the scale.
>Hi partials - being one or two octaves above the fundamental, or the 
>fundamental itself?
>>   These higher
>>partials can be squirrelly or sometimes very soft.
>You can usually hear the reason the lights are jumpy.  More often than 
>not, anchoring that bridge pin will clean up that offensive partial.
>As far as soft goes, sometimes I will have a difficult time getting a 
>reading on the 8th partial of F3 for the FAC calculation on some pianos - 
>usually older Steinway Bs and Ds.  But you're not using that high of 
>partials when tuning.
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