ETD Jumpiness (was Re: [CAUT] Sacrifice (was tuners-technology))

Jeff Tanner
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 15:38:20 -0500

On Thursday, March 3, 2005, at 12:55 PM, Porritt, David wrote:

> I have thought that the jumpiness in the SAT was due to the fact that 
> it
> listens to such high partials through most of the scale.

Hi partials - being one or two octaves above the fundamental, or the 
fundamental itself?

>   These higher
> partials can be squirrelly or sometimes very soft.

You can usually hear the reason the lights are jumpy.  More often than 
not, anchoring that bridge pin will clean up that offensive partial.

As far as soft goes, sometimes I will have a difficult time getting a 
reading on the 8th partial of F3 for the FAC calculation on some pianos 
- usually older Steinway Bs and Ds.  But you're not using that high of 
partials when tuning.


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