[CAUT] William Wolfram

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Mon, 7 Mar 2005 23:11:51 -0800

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Hey Brad,

Your website is amazing.  How long have you been using it and do=
 customers actually use it?   How did you go about setting it up?=

David Ilvedson

Original message
From: Brad Smith, RPT 
To: College and University Technicians 
Received: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 22:14:11 -0500
Subject: RE: [CAUT] William Wolfram

Right on David!  
Wim, we seldom get 'our day in court' even if we are right. 
Sincerely seeking specific feedback eases tension, and helps us=
 diagnose both pianist and piano.
Most of all they feel 'heard', and it tends to change their=
Brad Smith, RPT
-----Original Message-----
From: David Ilvedson [mailto:ilvey@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 8:49 PM
To: caut@ptg.org
Subject: RE: [CAUT] William Wolfram


It would be helpful if the pianist had specific complaints.  =
 Action too heavy, unresponsive.. treble doesn't sustain...any=
 chance of conferring with the artist?  An email or letter, phone=
 call to him would probably make him feel like he's been taken=
 seriously and YOU want to fix the problems (if any)...

David Ilvedson

Original message
Received: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 18:21:59 EST
Subject: [CAUT] William Wolfram

The above named pianist played the Beethoven C minor on the new=
 Steinway, (the one I've been telling you about), with the=
 Alabama Symphony in our concert hall several weeks ago.=
 Unfortunately, after the concert, Mr. Wolfram supposedly made=
 the comment "I will never come to Tuscaloosa again if I have to=
 play on this instrument". What didn't help is that our local=
 paper's critic heard about the comment, and trashed the=
 instrument in the paper. 
Although I don't think the piano is as bad as it is being made=
 out to be, I am taking a lot of heat from the some of the=
 faculty members. I reminded them that 5 previous concert artists=
 didn't say anything about the piano. In fact, two of them had=
 their choice between our two grands, and chose the new one.
My question to you guys is this. Have any of you had any=
 experience dealing with Mr. Wolfram? I don't know the man, but=
 have heard he is young and inexperienced. I've heard, from you=
 guys, that the better players know how to play on any piano, but=
 the less experienced are more critical.
Willem Blees, RPT
Piano Tuner/Technician
School of Music
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL USA

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