[CAUT] William Wolfram

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 10:24:03 EST

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In a message dated 3/7/05 6:17:39 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
hgreeley@stanford.edu writes:

Concert  work is a crap shoot, no matter how good/bad one might individually 
be as a  technician.  You/one/_anyone_ is only as good as your/their last  
tuning...period.  Further, survival is not at all necessarily reserved  for the 
most fit.  There is a very simple bottom line which must be  addressed before 
getting too deep into concert work (beyond the point of it  being a relatively 
occasional service for the local MTA/whatever); and, that  is, just how thick 
is your/anyone's skin?  Doing "real" concert work is  brutal...not at all the 
way it is seemingly idealized by so many.  One  either learns to live with the 
inevitable slings and arrows, or, wisely, one  chooses to leave the field to 
those whose egos either need and/or can  withstand the onslaught.

Thank you for your advice. This is the one area of concert work that I need  
to develop. (creating a thick skin). As far as I know,  this is not a  class I 
have not seen offered at any convention. 

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