[CAUT] Mason & Hamlin actions

Dennis Johnson johnsond@stolaf.edu
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 10:35:04 -0600

Hi all-

Got a question for you.  One of the jobs I am in process with is a 1924 
Mason & Hamlin A.   Currently it is fitted with Aeolian dimension parts 
and it's hard to say for sure if they are original.  The customer seems 
to remember a story that perhaps decades ago it was sent in for a new 
action. If this is true that means it probably had the old vintage Mason 
parts before, which are profoundly different. Action spread alone 
measures about .10" different with the samples. Does anyone have a more 
accurate idea of when these pianos switched to the Aeolian style?   The 
original parts show extreme wear, especially on the backchecks, but it 
was also in a piano bar for many years.  Naturally my first instinct was 
to copy what parts are on it now, but would be grateful for some 
experienced imput before the decision is made.  I haven't seen many old 
Masons in my shop and already made the phone call to our parts supplier, 
as you would normally expect.  

thanks- in advance,

dennis johnson

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