[CAUT] performance techniques

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 13:13:01 -0600

At 12:41 3/8/2005, you wrote:

>On Tuesday, March 8, 2005, at 07:48 AM, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:
>>'Tis unspoken here, because we're small and I've been here longer than 
>>most of the faculty, but any desired "prepared" piano music has to be 
>>approved by me. Some preps are OK and don't harm anything, but others are 
>>either altered or performed on a "special" practice room piano.
>I had a thought, which I don't think was in that discussion.  Our policy 
>is likewise understood among the piano faculty, but we have been seeing a 
>bit of turnover in the past few years with other profs retiring, some not 
>being tenured, etc.
>Where would one "post" such a policy for new faculty and guest 
>artists?  What would you do for new faculty members?  "Oh, hi, I'm the 
>piano tuner, nice to meet you.. And, Oh, I'd like to bring your attention 
>to our policy on prepared piano."
>We have very little problem, but what problems we do see are with guest 
>artists, and students of other instruments who choose recital "literature" 
>with odd piano performance techniques.  When the kid comes up to you the 
>day before his saxophone recital and asks for some tuning mutes, you're 
>wondering just what is being done to the instruments behind your 
>back.  You just can't be there for every performance, for every rehearsal, 
>in every studio during repertoire selection....

We have a "Music Department Guidelines" packet which all students get at 
the beginning of the year. In it is an "Instrument Request Form".  It is 
addressed to me and is a means of letting me know what instrument 
(piano/harpsichord/fortepiano/portativ organ) is needed for their 
recital/event.  It is to be signed by them and their instructor. In the 
case of other-than-piano instrument use, it must also be signed by the 
harpsichord and/or organ instructor.

This is an attempt to keep me in the loop. I haven't yet included a 
"prepared piano" caveat, but may for next year.

This year, I had the department secretary distribute them to the faculty, 
and an announcement reminding them that I need to know about THEIR needs 
was made in the first department faculty meeting of the year.

I include a two week lead time and a caveat that the other-than-piano 
instrument might already be requested by someone else.  (This is a second 
reason for including org/hc instructors in the loop.)

Conrad Hoffsommer - Keyboard Technician
Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
Vox-(563)-387-1204 // Fax (563)-387-1076

- Right now, I'm hoping to live until my age matches my golf score,
- Until then, I'll have to be content to have my IQ match my handicap.

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