[CAUT] performance techniques

Jeff Tanner jtanner@mozart.sc.edu
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:41:20 -0500

On Tuesday, March 8, 2005, at 07:48 AM, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:

> 'Tis unspoken here, because we're small and I've been here longer than 
> most of the faculty, but any desired "prepared" piano music has to be 
> approved by me. Some preps are OK and don't harm anything, but others 
> are either altered or performed on a "special" practice room piano.

I had a thought, which I don't think was in that discussion.  Our 
policy is likewise understood among the piano faculty, but we have been 
seeing a bit of turnover in the past few years with other profs 
retiring, some not being tenured, etc.

Where would one "post" such a policy for new faculty and guest artists? 
  What would you do for new faculty members?  "Oh, hi, I'm the piano 
tuner, nice to meet you.. And, Oh, I'd like to bring your attention to 
our policy on prepared piano."

We have very little problem, but what problems we do see are with guest 
artists, and students of other instruments who choose recital 
"literature" with odd piano performance techniques.  When the kid comes 
up to you the day before his saxophone recital and asks for some tuning 
mutes, you're wondering just what is being done to the instruments 
behind your back.  You just can't be there for every performance, for 
every rehearsal, in every studio during repertoire selection....


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