[CAUT] performance techniques

McNeilTom@aol.com McNeilTom@aol.com
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 19:32:14 EST

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In a message dated 3/8/05 1:49:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jtanner@mozart.sc.edu writes:

Where  would one "post" such a policy for new faculty and guest artists? 
What would you do for new faculty members?  "Oh, hi, I'm the piano  
tuner, nice to meet you.. And, Oh, I'd like to bring your attention to  
our policy on prepared piano."

Hi, Jeff, and Colleagues -
When I was a full-time music school tech, I had a perfect opportunity to  
address this (and other piano issues).  There was a weekly 'recital hour'  built 
into the master schedule of the music school.   Every  other week there were 
'studio recitals' where all the students got together  with their own studio 
teachers and played for each other.  The weeks  in between these studio recitals 
were 'area recitals' where (for example) all  the piano majors from all the 
piano studios played in a slightly more  formal recital.  (And every other 
'area recital' was replaced with a much  more formal 'all-school recital'.  These 
were excellent potpourri  talent shows that spotlighted the best performers as 
they were coming down to  the wire for their various solo and small-ensemble 
recitals.)   It was easy to get the piano faculty, with whom I was always on 
good  terms, to give me a minute or two at the beginning of the 'area recital'  
periods.  I'd speak - for just a minute - on some interesting piano tech  
topic and give them a one-page handout.  And I'd stay for the  recital.  This was 
perhaps the best-spent hour I could imagine.   In very short time I became 
acquainted with all of the student pianists on a  first-name basis.  The faculty 
and students were very impressed that I'd  take the time to do this, and to 
know that I was very committed to making their  piano experiences the best I 
could.  This communication effort, about three  hours a semester, paid off in 
many, many ways contributing to my efficient  function as their piano technician.
Best regards,  

~ Tom McNeil  ~
Vermont Piano Restorations

346 Camp Street
Barre, VT  05641

(802) 476-7072

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