[CAUT] More Re. Unison Tuning

Don pianotuna@yahoo.com
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 20:50:14

Hi Jim,

I was not suggesting you whiz through your tunings! I very much enjoy your
posts. I was aware you don't strip mute the piano. Of course this means
that once out of the temperament area more time is needed for the technique
you prefer. I don't doubt you get great results, yet I believe one post
mentioned that the pitch of the middle string may be adversely affected by
"over enthusiastic muting". 

My preferrence for my style is not to replace mutes unless absolutely
necessary. I believe all tunings are better completed as quickly as is
comfortably possible. In a performance venue the time factor may become
paramount, due to the environment changing extremely quickly. *grin* I
prefer to whiz thru I guess, if I can, while still being able to look
myself in the mirror after the performance.

At 08:55 PM 3/8/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Don,
>I never strip mute the entire piano.  I thought I made that clear in my
>first post.  Also, I do not, as you say, miss the opportunity to hear how
>the lower treble unison is doing after it has had time to settle.  I check
>it.  I just don't tune the upper octave note to the lower open unison.
>When I first learned to tune 60 years ago, I did it that way, but I later
>learned a better way.  I have tried it both ways many many times, and I
>always find that I get better and more reliable results by tuning single
>string to single string for the very same reasons we discussed several days
>ago at the beginning of this subject.  I alwasy go back and check
>everything, and I usually end up tweaking several unisons as well as a few
>octaves.  I don't just whiz through and then leave it.
>Sincerely, Jim Ellis
Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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