[CAUT] More Re. Unison Tuning

James Ellis claviers@nxs.net
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 20:55:18 -0500

Hi Don,

I never strip mute the entire piano.  I thought I made that clear in my
first post.  Also, I do not, as you say, miss the opportunity to hear how
the lower treble unison is doing after it has had time to settle.  I check
it.  I just don't tune the upper octave note to the lower open unison.
When I first learned to tune 60 years ago, I did it that way, but I later
learned a better way.  I have tried it both ways many many times, and I
always find that I get better and more reliable results by tuning single
string to single string for the very same reasons we discussed several days
ago at the beginning of this subject.  I alwasy go back and check
everything, and I usually end up tweaking several unisons as well as a few
octaves.  I don't just whiz through and then leave it.

Sincerely, Jim Ellis

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