[CAUT] Steinway replacement keyset?

Wolfley, Eric (wolfleel) WOLFLEEL@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 15:05:19 -0500


That part is an extremely rough version of an unfinished keyframe and
keyset. It is not cut to size, no shoes for the action brackets, etc...just
a raw frame and keys. The keys don't have capstans or backchecks either.
They total width of the keyboard is 48 3/8" as opposed to 48", which yours
probably is. It is basically exactly what Steinway gets from Kluge. It will
fit, but you will need to cut off a bit of a keyblock and do a heck of a lot
of work. You're better off talking to Bob Marinelli at Pianotek or various
other people who specialize in manufacturing new keyboards onto existing


Eric Wolfley, RPT
Supervising Piano Technician
College-Conservatory of Music
University of Cincinnati
-----Original Message-----
From: John Minor [mailto:jminor@uiuc.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 2:43 PM
To: caut
Subject: [CAUT] Steinway replacement keyset?

Has anyone purchased the KEYFRAME W/KEYS from
Steinway($2,495)? Wondering how they work out on an older
1950's L. Thanks for any help.

John Minor
University of Illinois
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