[CAUT] M&H pressure lube

Thomas Seay t.seay@mail.utexas.edu
Thu, 10 Mar 2005 10:02:34 -0600

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Don't forget to spray the wall w/WD-40 :-)

No offense taken, BTW.


>Sorry if anyone was offended at the WD-40 thing.=20
>Yeah, of course we don't use it on pianos.=20
>Correct, correct, correct=8A At this moment I'm=20
>flogging myself, and w/o any rocks to hit myself=20
>in the head with I plan to run headlong into the=20
>nearest wall=8A
>p.s. 409=8A! Good one Conrad!
>Hey, after what I've gone through the last=20
>couple of weeks, I need some relief. Have a nice=20

Tom Seay
Piano Tech Office
School of Music
The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 232-2072

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