[CAUT] Looming Retirement

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Sat, 12 Mar 2005 09:42:51 EST

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In a message dated 3/11/2005 1:43:36 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
atodd@uh.edu writes:

Just  wondering how many of you have started thinking about retirement. I 
know  there's at least 2-3 out there who are close to that age!  :-)

I've been thinking of retiring for years. The problem is, I'm not old  enough 
yet to do it. When I took the job here at UA, I needed to work for 10  years 
to get vested, which means the state will match my contributions, I'm  in my 
forth year, so I need to work at least 6 more years. I'll be 66 by then.  
Between what the state will give me, my investments  and SS, I should be  able to 
coast. I'll probably want to continue doing some work, but my wife and I  also 
want to do some traveling. 
The work might not be tuning, although I'll probably continue to do some of  
that. I might go to work for Sears or Home Depot. A friend of mine, (not in 
the  piano business), retired several years ago and is now working for Sears. 
The  company understands how retired people like to take extended vacations. So 
they  have a real nice policy. When ever you want, you can take a couple of 
weeks  of weeks of vacation, and still have a job waiting for you when you get  
back. I just read where Home Depot has the same kind of program. It give the  
retiree something do, a little extra cash, and still be allowed to go visit  
the grand kids when ever they want. 

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