[CAUT] Attention ratio gurus

vince mrykalo madvinmryk@yahoo.com
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:58:10 -0800 (PST)

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And A4 is the coincident partial for a 12:6 D1 - D2 octave.

Wimblees@aol.com wrote: At our meeting this morning I talked about tuning checks, (progressions of 3rd, 14th's etc.) One of the guys played one that none of us had ever heard before. He played D1 - A4, C#1 - G#4, etc.,, and we heard about 6 or 7 beats. The question is, what ratio are we hearing? None of us at the meeting, (only 5 of us), are familiar with ratios to know anything about this. (This is an in tune piano, because all of our other tests in that octave worked out). 

Vince Mrykalo RPT
University of Utah
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