[CAUT] Attention ratio gurus

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 06:02:24 EST

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In a message dated 3/13/2005 11:35:58 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
pianotuna@yahoo.com writes:

Hi  Wim,

You are hearing a 12:1 (a4 at a4); and possibly a 24:2 (a4 at a5);  a 36:3
(a4 at e6). Try ghosting to see if any of those match your 6 beats  (you
would need a 2nd piano to "ghost" the 12:1.

If the piano will  only accept a 6:3 octave from d1 to d2 then d1 to a4
would cause a beat at  the 12:1 level, because d1 is too sharp. If the piano
will accept a 14:7  octave from d1 to d2 then d1 again will beat against a4,
because d2 is too  flat. The only time there would be zero beats is if d1 to
d2 is a perfect  12:6 octave--and all the octaves above it work as perfect
whole multiples  (and the only partial that would be beat free would be 12.
24:2 would still  beat)



d1 to d2 = 12:6
d2 to d3 =   6:3
d3 to d4 =  4:2


d1 to a4 = zero beating at the  12:1

This is unlikely to happen in any real life piano, so almost  always there
will be a beat between d1 and a4.

Thank you for this explanation. 
When I first into this business, back in the 70's, I got to know a  very 
respectable piano technician from Denver, John Block. He was an old cuss,  
ex-marine. He gave some very interesting classes on repairs, regulating, etc.  But 
when it came to tuning, and especially the theory of tuning, he just threw  up 
his hands and said, I don't understand all this ratio stuff. I'm just a good  
old wah wah tuner. 
Well, that's me. I appreciate all the research, Don, but to be honest  with 
you, it might as well have been written in Greek. To me, it looks like  a 
chemical equation, and I flunked chemistry in high school. I am sure what  you 
wrote is correct, but I just don't understand it. As long as I hear a wah  wah, I 
know my piano is in tune. I guess I shouldn't have asked the question in  the 
first place. Sorry. 

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