[CAUT] Re: Pin block strangeness

Avery Todd atodd@uh.edu
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:57:54 -0600

If they really are, how are they going to sell very many of them. Didn't 
they get rid of about 1/2 to 3/4 of their dealers?


At 01:55 PM 3/14/2005, you wrote:
>And speaking of Baldwin, I can hardly believe my words.... they are much 
>better than the 1990's production.  It looks like Gibson is really trying 
>to make a real piano company out of Baldwin.
>Mason & Hamlin is a delight, and Petrof is very good, really getting where 
>they should have been.
>I think we should try to be less curmudgeonly about new pianos!  Even 
>Chinese pianos.
>Optimistically (but with flame suit nearby).
>Ed Sutton

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