[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Horace Greeley hgreeley@stanford.edu
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 08:38:48 -0800

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He is not asking for the moon.  He _is_ asking for things to be a certain 
way.  It is a reasonable request.

FWIW, this has been (in nearly 40 years of concert work) one of the most 
consistent (other than unstable tuning and poor regulation) complaints I 
have heard from artists ranging from Brendl and Cherkassky (for some 
differing perspectives on pianism) to folks never heard of.  That is, and 
very specifically, the lack of control of sound, largely, but not 
exclusively experienced on most pianos when using the una 
corda.  Unfortunately, most concert videos/films do not give one very much 
chance (if, indeed, at all) to observe pedal technique.  It is something 
which one picks up by going to concerts, master classes, etc., and, both 
selectively and closely, paying attention to specific aspects of what a 
given pianist is doing.

Hang in there!  However difficult, this is a real opportunity to stretch 
yourself; and, I applaud your tenacity and commitment!



At 07:56 AM 3/17/2005, you wrote:
>Our piano prof uses the soft/shift pedal constantly. As he put it, "we 
>never use 1/2 or 1/4 or so by design - it is used to the depth at which it 
>is necessary in the music, and is a matter of taste and using one's ear."
>I watched him play a CPE Bach piece, and he "rode the clutch", so to 
>speak. I don't think played one note without some soft pedaling. I can 
>understand what he is saying, but I have never seen anyone use the soft 
>pedal like he does. To me it almost seems like he has developed a habit. I 
>don't hear the subtle difference he claims the soft pedaling is supposed 
>to create.
>As a result I need to voice every hair on the felt on every hammer to make 
>sure all of them sound exactly the same at the infinitesimal shift positions.
>My question is, has he gotten in a bad habit or is this "standard 
>procedure"? I realize there is not much I can do about it, other than work 
>like a devil to get it right. But for my own curiosity, is he asking for 
>the moon on this?
>Willem Blees, RPT
>Piano Tuner/Technician
>School of Music
>University of Alabama
>Tuscaloosa, AL USA

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