[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Jeff Olson jlolson@cal.net
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 09:32:08 -0800

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I've seen a lot of highly skilled pianists perform, and I've never seen =
one ride the "shift pedal" as you described, Wim.  Nor is there any =
logical reason to do so.  Whatever alteration of tone that results could =
-- and should -- be far more effectively caused by simply playing with =
control and sensitivity.

The guy sounds like an idiot or a prima donna to me -- not to say that I =
wouldn't treat his requests with respect.  I would respectfully suggest =
he hire a competent piano teacher and learn proper performance =
techniques. :-)


  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Wimblees@aol.com=20
  To: caut@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:56 AM
  Subject: [CAUT] excessive pedaling?

  Our piano prof uses the soft/shift pedal constantly. As he put it, "we =
never use 1/2 or 1/4 or so by design - it is used to the depth at which =
it is necessary in the music, and is a matter of taste and using one's =

  I watched him play a CPE Bach piece, and he "rode the clutch", so to =
speak. I don't think played one note without some soft pedaling. I can =
understand what he is saying, but I have never seen anyone use the soft =
pedal like he does. To me it almost seems like he has developed a habit. =
I don't hear the subtle difference he claims the soft pedaling is =
supposed to create.=20

  As a result I need to voice every hair on the felt on every hammer to =
make sure all of them sound exactly the same at the infinitesimal shift =
positions. =20

  My question is, has he gotten in a bad habit or is this "standard =
procedure"? I realize there is not much I can do about it, other than =
work like a devil to get it right. But for my own curiosity, is he =
asking for the moon on this?

  Willem Blees, RPT
  Piano Tuner/Technician
  School of Music
  University of Alabama
  Tuscaloosa, AL USA
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