[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 11:23:25 -0600

At 11:06 3/17/2005, you wrote:
>The late head of our piano department was much the same in regards to 
>pedal technique and yes, it is a lot of work to get everything just 'so'. 
>But you know, after being put through the paces, the piano definitely 
>sounded better for everyone. It is a good motivation to do your best work.
>Eric Wolfley, RPT
>Supervising Piano Technician
>College-Conservatory of Music
>University of Cincinnati

Well, my dept head isn't late, but he is on sabbatical.  Anyway, when he 
leave me notes for voicing, he will almost ALWAYS mention una corda voicing 
on some notes. [on one occasion - half pedaling]

I think of it as keeping me honest...

Conrad Hoffsommer
Decorah, IA

My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.
It's gone right now and didn't leave a forwarding address.

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