[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 18:47:11 -0600

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Hi Wim,
               No it just goes with upper end work.  More time you spend at 
the dept, the more you will encounter.   Thought every one voiced for 
1/2  1/4 1/3 Peddling for high end clients.
Regards Roger

>My question is, has he gotten in a bad habit or is this "standard 
>procedure"? I realize there is not much I can do about it, other than work 
>like a devil to get it right. But for my own curiosity, is he asking for 
>the moon on this?
>Willem Blees, RPT
>Piano Tuner/Technician
>School of Music
>University of Alabama
>Tuscaloosa, AL USA

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