[CAUT] Today's Puzzler.

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 16:53:22 -0500

Wimblees@aol.com wrote:

> I'm afraid the only way for you to fix this is to remove the entire 
> system, (the dampers and the tray), and visually inspect the lever and 
> the spring. I had to do this on a Baldwin grand once. No matter what I 
> tried, I just couldn't get that spring back on the lever. In the long 
> run, it will save you a lot of aggravation, and time.

My back doesn't like to hear that Wim..!! My space is very 
confined(almost no room behind the piano..built-in cabinets..I took my 
shoes off when trying to wrestle that spring initially..)

..click my heals 3 times.......


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