[CAUT] Today's Puzzler.

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:31:24 EST

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In a message dated 3/17/05 6:50:11 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
phil@philbondi.com writes:

>Is the spring broken or did it just come out  of its grub?
I don't know for sure since I can't seem to get it  back in. The tool I 
used is the one I've had since I started..you're  average 5" spring hook.

Tool  Time?


I'm afraid the only way for you to fix this is to remove the entire system,  
(the dampers and the tray), and visually inspect the lever and the spring. I 
had  to do this on a Baldwin grand once. No matter what I tried, I just 
couldn't  get that spring back on the lever. In the long run, it will save you a lot 
of  aggravation, and time. 

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