[CAUT] Voicing a Yamaha C-7

Chris Solliday solliday@ptd.net
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:58:49 -0500

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Hello Clarence, I've had this very same issue and was only able to =
ultimately (after voicing several times) solve it by replacing the =
hammers, Ronsen Wurzens work great. Good Luck, Chris Solliday
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Clarence Zeches=20
  To: caut@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 4:10 PM
  Subject: [CAUT] Voicing a Yamaha C-7

  I have a college department chair who wants their almost new (2 years =
old) Yamaha C-7 voiced down to get a more "German" sound.  The college =
built a new performance center and one of the trustees of the college, =
who happens to own a Yamaha dealership, gave the school a new C-7.  The =
department chair didn't want that piano in the auditorium but that is =
where the trustee wanted it to go. =20


  I think the Auditorium seats about 350 and has fairly good acoustics.  =
The room is used for theater performances as well.  She complains that =
the piano is very bright and overpowers a vocalist, even if accompanist =
uses the shift pedal. =20


  I guess my question is can I ever get that "German" sound out of =
Yamaha hammers?  If so, what is my best approach with the needles?


  Clarence Zeches



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