[CAUT] D complimented

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 20:56:54 -0600

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At 02:36 PM 3/21/2005, you wrote:
>Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't quite understand the business of 
>the Dag screws.  Can you explain that in more detail?
Hi Barbara,
                   Take a look at the Dags of a Yamaha Grand,   I drill a 
small hole with a pin vice drill and insert a Robertson screw.  Gee only in 
Canada, :-D
Square headed screw, that is self grip, makes it easy to install under the 
lip of the dag.
Screw will only work if it has a Maple Leaf engraved on the head. lol.

Regards Roger 

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