[CAUT] about magnets

Jim Busby jim_busby@byu.edu
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 16:51:00 -0700

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Seiler says they have been using them for around 20 years
(http://www.seiler-pianos.de/eng/seiler/patente.htm) without loss of
power. At least that is what Ursula Seiler said. I'm not sure if that
meant in production or in experimentation.
-----Original Message-----
From: caut-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf Of Ed
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:42 PM
To: caut@ptg.org
Subject: [CAUT] about magnets
O, Great Minds of Caut!
I have heard tell that Petrof is producing grand pianos with a magnetic
assisted action, soon to arrive in our neighborhood.
The magnets are installed in the wippen rail and wippen in repelling
orientation so that the magnets lift the wippen similar to a wippen
assist spring.  The touchweight can be refined by adjusting the magnets
similar to a screw regulated wipen assist spring.  Functionally it seems
identical to a wippen assist spring.
When I asked how it differed from a wippen assist spring I was told
"Springs wear out, but magnets last forever."  I would be interested in
educated comments on that statement.  The magnets will be held
continuously in opposition and "compression."  Will they grow weaker
over years? decades? or will they last forever?
How does this compare with assist springs?  Do wippen assist springs
grow weaker over time?  Faster than magnets?
Jim Ellis, I thank you in advance!
Ed Sutton

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