[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Jeff Olson jlolson@cal.net
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:25:01 -0800

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Re: [CAUT] excessive pedaling?Still, Fred, I don't think Chris should've =
been so rough on you....

:-) Jeff
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Fred Sturm=20
  To: College and University Technicians=20
  Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [CAUT] excessive pedaling?

  On 3/21/05 2:30 PM, "Chris Solliday" <solliday@ptd.net> wrote:

    The trouble with being unaware is that one is unaware of being =
unaware. Chris Solliday

      Actually, other than making a triple negative and offering =
opportunities for a few wisecracks, I think that Chris, in his typical =
cryptic way, was making a good point. He was commenting on my post, =
where I said that as a young pianist I didn't think much of the una =
corda pedal because I had never played a piano that had been =
well-regulated and voiced (specifically with respect to una corda). So I =
was unaware of the possibilities, and "unaware that I was unaware." =
Hence I had a prejudice that was unwarranted, and was missing a very =
important skill.
      Which brings me to the reason I am bothering to parse Chris' =
prose: As caut's we have a very special responsibility. We are the ones =
who give the ever new generation of pianists their experience of what a =
piano can be. To the extent we succeed in giving them instruments to =
practice and perform on that are responsive, that have all kinds of =
subtlety possible by virtue of regulation and voicing, we will have =
helped educate not only them but their students. We will raise their =
expectations, so when they go somewhere else they will know what is =
possible and will demand it. Which is why I give a great deal of =
emphasis (as much as my limited time allows) to keeping the piano major =
practice grands in as close to performance shape as I can, along with =
piano faculty and the concert instruments. The rest of the inventory can =
be average.=20
      If I don't provide pianos that have had a good una corda voicing, =
as one example, the piano students who play them won't learn what the =
possibilities are, and they will be unaware of being unaware.
      Nuff of that <g>

  Fred Sturm
  University of New Mexico=20

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