[CAUT] Pulley keys.

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 20:36:13 -0600

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Greetings all.
                        I solution for pulley keys.

Use a set of balance rail pins,  Mix 50% PVC-E glue with 50% water. Swab 
hole, insert pin from the top of the key, swab around bottom of key to form 
a meniscus around pin.  Allow 24 hrs to dry.  Pin will be frozen in 
position.  Rotate pin one turn, and it will slide out.

Hole will be sized tp perfection.

This piano was a 70's Steinway L with the felt knuckles.  All 88 had been 
over sized to try and solve friction problems.  What a mess.


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