[CAUT] Questions about pulley keys.

Joe And Penny Goss imatunr@srvinet.com
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 21:41:16 -0700

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Hi Wim,
Check the key front alignment of the whites first to give an indication =
where they might need to be.

Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Wimblees@aol.com=20
  To: caut@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:53 PM
  Subject: [CAUT] Questions about pulley keys.

  Some questions in general about pulley keys. What would be the maximum =
distance a key should be allowed to move before it is considered ready =
for repair? I'm talking to total distance from front to back, (or side =
to side). The other question is, how do you determine the right position =
for a key? If it moves back and forth, is it presumed the right place is =
right in the middle? Or is it possible that the back of the hole is =
right, and the front is worn out? After all, I would presume the keys =
get pushed to the back of the action, which is causing the hole to =
become oblong in the first place.=20

  Willem Blees, RPT
  Piano Tuner/Technician
  School of Music
  University of Alabama
  Tuscaloosa, AL USA
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