[CAUT] Pitchlock

PNOTNR@aol.com PNOTNR@aol.com
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 17:12:21 EST

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In a message dated 3/29/2005 4:40:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I ditto  Fred on this one...I guess those pitchlock clamps are large enough
to span  a bass bichord. Or does he offer different sizes for that?

Eric  Wolfley, RPT
Supervising Piano Technician
College-Conservatory of  Music
University of Cincinnati

He doesn't offer different sizes.  I tried to use a coupler on F2 on a  
Baldwin SD Grand.  This is the lowest plain wire note, and on this piano it  was 
always the first note to go out of tune.  I couldn't figure out  why.  (The 
tuning pins are tight, and I seated the bridge pins,  straightened wire bends with 
a brass drift).  I thought maybe it had  something to do with being the last 
note on the treble bridge. (?)
Anyway, I thought the coupler might help, but the strings are too far apart  
at the bridge for the couplers to hold.  (I asked Scott if he had other  sizes 
and he said no)  I wound up using a coupler up at the agraffe, and so  far 
(it's been about three weeks) so good.  I think they'd fit bass strings  at the 
FWIW, I did use these couplers on a horrid 1975 Everett Studio in a  practice 
room in January.  Awful piano that always went badly out of tune  in a matter 
of days.  I checked it last Friday, and it sounds  reasonable.  Certainly 
good enough for a practice room (non piano  majors).
Gordon Large, RPT
Colby College
Waterville, ME

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