[CAUT] pitchlock

Ron Koval drwoodwind@hotmail.com
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:15:53 +0000

Jeff asks:

How much difference in tension can the separate strings of a unison
tolerate before you get some funky stuff going on in the partials?  How
do you know without taking off the couplers how far apart those strings
actually are?

I've used these with varying success.  I especially like the newer 
applications that Alan wrote about.  To explain the effect, it seems to 
reduce the amplitude of the beating between mismatched strings- not make 
them in tune.  As you move one of the strings it is possible to hear when 
the two strings match up.  For me, it is a lot like working with false 
beating - searching for the "best" spot to leave the string.  I've been 
happy with the full install I did in one of our piano labs and in the choir 
room that gets the most use. (both grands)  I ended up removing them from a 
Steinway upright in a church.  It went from being hard to tune, to being a 
nightmare to tune.... though the couplers kept it sounding in tune 
longer....  For a full install, it takes listening and tuning in a slightly 
different manner than I am used to.

But placement up at the agraffe hasn't presented any of the difficulties I 
found with the placement near the bridge.

Ron Koval
Concordia U
Curie Performing Arts Center

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