[CAUT] pitchlock

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 09:19:49 -0500

         Are you saying that you tune the piano with the couplers already 
installed? You don't need to remove them and then re-install after a tuning?

Greg Newell

At 09:15 AM 3/30/2005, you wrote:
>Jeff asks:
>How much difference in tension can the separate strings of a unison
>tolerate before you get some funky stuff going on in the partials?  How
>do you know without taking off the couplers how far apart those strings
>actually are?
>I've used these with varying success.  I especially like the newer 
>applications that Alan wrote about.  To explain the effect, it seems to 
>reduce the amplitude of the beating between mismatched strings- not make 
>them in tune.  As you move one of the strings it is possible to hear when 
>the two strings match up.  For me, it is a lot like working with false 
>beating - searching for the "best" spot to leave the string.  I've been 
>happy with the full install I did in one of our piano labs and in the 
>choir room that gets the most use. (both grands)  I ended up removing them 
>from a Steinway upright in a church.  It went from being hard to tune, to 
>being a nightmare to tune.... though the couplers kept it sounding in tune 
>longer....  For a full install, it takes listening and tuning in a 
>slightly different manner than I am used to.
>But placement up at the agraffe hasn't presented any of the difficulties I 
>found with the placement near the bridge.
>Ron Koval
>Concordia U
>Curie Performing Arts Center
>caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

Greg Newell
Greg's piano Forté

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