[CAUT] pitchlock

Ron Koval drwoodwind@hotmail.com
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 19:39:35 +0000

greg asked:
         Are you saying that you tune the piano with the couplers already
installed? You don't need to remove them and then re-install after a tuning?

Yes, that is correct.  The installation is a one-time event.  Because of the 
coupling of the two strings, the tuning shifts, so you need to re-tune after 
installation.  The major difference (for me) is that you need to tune from 
right string to left, and adjust for a single coupled string sounding higher 
than when the coupled double strings sound together.  In situations where 
the pitch hasn't drifted a whole lot, many times you can get away with 
tuning unisons - bringing the left string back into tune with the coupled 

Ron Koval
Concordia U
Curie Performing Arts Center

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