[CAUT] Re: Pitchlock

Don McKechnie dmckech@ithaca.edu
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:39:27 -0500


I have been experimenting with the couplers in the duplex section and 
find for the most part, satisfying results. There have been a few 
instances where they did not work but these were on older strings. One 
problem I had with installing in the duplex is finding the right type of 
pliers. Using a standard parallel pliers does not work well for 
squeezing the couplers in the front duplex. The strings in the front 
duplex can be close together. You can space all the strings further 
apart but sometimes this does not seem like a good option.

I found a nifty set of pliers from a jewelers tool catalog that work 
fairly well for duplex installations. The pliers most likely will work 
well in the speaking length installations but I have not tried it yet.  
Go to this link to have a look:


I ground down the outside portion of the tips a bit to allow for better 
clearance in between the strings. You can also get some nice flat nose 
pliers from this company for use in installation of the couplers. I'm 
not sure if Gorbet sells directly or through jewelry repair shops. You 
can check your local jewelry repair shop for the catalog and order 
locally. If you have problems in finding an outlet for the tools you can 
call Cris Tool & Finding Co. here in Ithaca. The number is 888-690-2747.


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