[CAUT] was re:magnets etc,now Tokiwa parts

Mark Dierauf pianotech@nhpianos.com
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 14:48:32 -0500

  Thanks for the info, David. I'm glad to hear that you had good luck
with a more recent set. I would like to be able to use these parts again
in the future both because of the wonderfully even touch I was able to
get (and easily maintain) as well as the generally better geometry. On
the second set that I installed, I measured the friction of every center
and noted it directly on the part, repining a handful that were just
slightly outside my parameters before installation in the piano (also a
Mason). That way I had a solid baseline against which I could compare
any future problems. So far these centers seem to have been
problem-free, but I'm still getting the friction/noise at the rep
spring. Have you seen this problem on the set you installed?

- Mark Dierauf

-----Original Message-----
From: Graham [mailto:dcgrpt@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:44 PM
To: caut@ptg.org
Subject: [CAUT] was re:magnets etc,now Tokiwa parts

Hi all:I have also experienced the same problem Mark Dierauf described
with Tokiwa parts in the past. However, I was recently persuaded to use
them on a 1920s M&H, and the pinning was VERY much better than before.
Bob Marinelli will tell you that they DID have a problem, which he
believes is now corrected. That said, it is always best to use parts
that you have confidence in, and anytime you use a new supplier it is
best to use them on a piano close at hand, just in case.  I did also
have center problems with Renner parts for awhile here at NIU, made more
maddening by the fact that only 8-10 shanks would seize (or the pins
would walk out), but that was several years ago.

David Graham, RPT

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