[CAUT] impact hammer

Otto Keyes okeyes@uidaho.edu
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:50:23 -0800

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All this in 2 octaves!?  Wow!

See my previous post.....   :-)

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Jeff Tanner=20
  To: College and University Technicians=20
  Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 12:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [CAUT] impact hammer

  On Nov 11, 2005, at 2:13 PM, Otto Keyes wrote:

    If you guys had started out learning to tune with that level of =
patience & commitment you'd still be digging ditches!!

  Nah, I had much more confidence in that first "Trophy" brand tuning =
hammer than I felt with the impact hammer - at least the impact hammer I =
tried.  It's one thing to have patience in learning a skill -- =
completely something else to not have any confidence in the tool used to =
do the job.  Like learning to dig a ditch with a shovel that has a hinge =
in the handle.

  Just like if I had to learn to tune with the finest Schaff hammers =
that they sell today, I'd trade them for something that gave me more =
control as soon as I found it.  Other folk seem to be able to use the =
Schaff tools just fine.

    *&^%*()(%$%# thing won't work!  Must be the %^*&X@# hammer's fault!=20

  Not what I meant at all.  I like the control I have with the tool I =
use and was so VERY uncomfortable with the feel of the impact hammer I =
didn't feel like it was worth pursuing for me at this time.  It wasn't =
that I couldn't move the pitch precisely - it was that I had absolutely =
no confidence or any way to test (feel) whether the pin torque was at a =
balance and the tuning was stable.  Quite often the tool would simply =
twist the pin - the pitch would move and the pin did not move in the =
hole.  I just had zero confidence.

  Not knocking the tool or the idea.  At this time in life, it's just =
not something I have time to relearn, or the money to spend.

  (Ditch digging might not be such a bad alternative. We'd be getting =
exercise, fresh air, and if you get with the right company, you'd =
probably earn more and have better benefits than many of us!)


  Jeff Tanner, RPT
  University of South Carolina

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