WHY Keep PTG Politics Off This Page?

RndyPotter@aol.com RndyPotter@aol.com
Fri, 01 Dec 1995 20:38:39 -0500

I have only been reading this page(s) for a month, now.
Some 400+ messages; many of them about PTG politics.
Some print their opinions about goings on.
Others print their opinions about whether or not others should be allowed to
have opinions, and whether or not, if they DO have opinions, they should be
allowed to express them.
Or anywhere else.
Well, I, too, have yet another opinion on that.

First off, it is my opinion that the vast majority of the *readers* of this
Page are members of PTG.
And, it is my opinion, that the vast majority of the readers *arrived* at
this Page through their association with PTG and PTG contacts.
So, considering that PTG is a binding force among these persons, it seems
logical that PTG goings-on are going to come up here.
And, though I know this is not the opinion of all who read this Page, it is
my belief that, regardless of what some want - - - this is still America, the
Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
It seems to me that (at least) some of the problems PTG is experiencing have
to do with one group telling the other group they cannot have an opinion!
There are many in PTG who think they are the only ones who have valid
opinions and experience, and that everyone else should do it their way - or
get the heck out of Dodge.
I would hate to see that kind of short-sighted, selfish, "me-only" attitude
proliferate here, as it has there.
After all, what does "open forum" mean, anyway?
So, it seems to me, as long as this is still America . . .
  and as long as America is still the Land of the Free . . .
  IF it is also still the Home of the Brave . . .
  THEN there are going to be some brave souls who are willing to speak up and
say their opinion - knowing full well that there are others who are going to
try to intimidate them into shutting up . . .
  or try to make them leave the organization they love and have given years
of their own time and sweat to improve . . .
  or to try to discredit them so their voice will not be heard.
I, for one, hope I never see that attitude succeed.
Whether I agree with someone's point of view, or not, I will defend their
right to say it.

Some say PTG ought to have its own page . . . God forbid!
"PTG" has no business spending its (i.e. yours and my) money on a page of
this sort:
  First, because there already is one, and there is no need for another. It
would only be an expense with no appreciable benefit, as it could not
accomplish anything that is not already being accomplished here. (Except that
those running it could censor it, if you like that kind of thing. But, if you
want censorship, you can read the Journal.)
  Second, I believe it would end up being ruled by those who are trying to
silence the free flow of opinion.

Read PTG Politics postings, or don't read PTG Politics postings - as you
will. (They are certainly easy enough to delete from your mail if you don't
want them.) There are many of us who actually WANT to know what others think
and feel - whether we agree with them or not. There are some in (and out of)
PTG who want to be informed of all opinions before they make up their own
minds. (Kind of like learning what the candidates think before you vote - A
novel idea, for some.)
But let this remain America, and let Americans continue to speak freely.

I welcome your thoughts - either on the Page or in my box (whether you agree
with me, or not).

Randy Potter, R.P.T.

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