PTG politics, briefly

Tue, 05 Dec 1995 05:36:57 -0500 (EST)

      Contrary to what might be assumed, PTG business and politics DO get
discussed via the Internet in ways other than PianoTech. For years, email and
file transfers have been used to help conduct various PTG activities
(committees, regional convention planning, Journal articles, etc). Furthermore,
there's every reason to assume PTG politics is daily gossip fodder for private
and small-group emailings.

      Instead, what seems to be under discussion is a PUBLIC electronic forum
on PTG politics. (Frankly, I sometimes have to wonder if the proponents just
want a bigger soapbox from which to vent their own steam.)

      I have previously expressed my chagrin when character assasination and
innuendo is posed as "debate." Until a higher degree of civility becomes the
standard, I am uncomfortable exposing PianoTech's growing worldwide audience to
such puerile behavior.
      Therefore, I cast my vote with the many who have expressed a preference
that PianoTech stay focused on its founding premise -- technical stuff for piano

      Randy Potter's overwrought flag-waving notwithstanding, censorship is not
the issue. If Randy chooses to post his (in my opinion, mistaken) views on the
state of PTG politics, nothing prevents him from doing so. There is neither a
Big Brother nor a Big Sister who sneaks at midnight into BYU's computer room to
delete his message.

      Rather, the real issue is respect -- respect for the wishes of the
majority of PianoTech participants and respect for PTG's public image.

      Mitch Kiel

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