Maintaining the list

Keith McGavern
Sun, 3 May 1998 15:27:05 -0500 (CDT)

>     ...Do not respond to the antagonists!!    When  trolls gets no response to
>their postings, they will leave.   It works every time.
>     This will take a little self-discipline, as it is natural to react when
>insulted, but if the membership of a list ignores troublemakers,  they will
>soon be free of them.
>  So,  don't fight fire with fire, fight it with silence.
>Ed Foote

I likened Ed Foote's comments as initially thought provoking, and had, "ah
yes, how insightful" type thoughts.  This didn't last long, however.  As
time passed by, other thoughts came to mind, such as:

The words of his post aren't basically any different than any other post to
which it might make reference.  Even though no personal names were used, it
uses words like antagonist and trolls with the implication that there are
some of these types on Pianotech.  And it offers suggestions (fight) of
what to do to thwart activity that appears to be undesirable by these
implied types of persons.

Each individual ultimately has to decide how s/he will respond with each
post that passes before their eyes.  If that, in turn, produced what Ed
mentioned, fine and well.  If, however, it were possible to enlist all the
subscribers to do as one subscriber suggests to do ad hoc, that would not
be fine and well.

Another perspective,

Keith A. McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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