Upright plate screws

Wimblees Wimblees@aol.com
Sun, 3 May 1998 17:02:35 EDT

In a message dated 98-05-03 10:03:39 EDT, you write:

>On the old upright that I'm overhauling, a couple of the plate screws
>are stripped out. One almost in the center of the piano, and one at the
>bottom. How important is it to fix these, and what are acceptable
>alternatives for doing so.


When in doubt, put the screw back. The way to fix a stripped out hole is to
plug it with a dowel, and redrill. If you have the plate back in, but not the
strings, the best way to make the repair is to remove the plate.  However, if
you do not want (or can't) remove the plate, epoxy a hammer shank, or other
dowel in the hole, and put the screw back in. 

Willem Blees  RPT
St. Louis

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