castor cups idea

Jon Page
Thu, 07 May 1998 21:49:32 -0400

Use pinblock stock.

Jon Page

At 07:58 PM 5/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>Well, here is my idea.
>First, I would think that solid wood castor cups would have the tendency to
>crack open due to the wood drying and cracking apart with the weight placed
>in them.
>I am thinking of going into production of making wooden castor cups made
>with alternating species of wood like cherry, walnut, mahogany, oak each
>about 3/4' thick all laminated together and then dished out on my lathe and
>a nice finish applied.  Sort of a high end product,  Because of the
>different species of wood with each layer the stain would cause interesting
>effects and make them unique.  The strips could be horizontal or preferably
>vertical.  They would be made in sets of three so all would match.  What do
>you think?
>James Grebe
>R.P.T. of the P.T.G. from St. Louis, MO. USA, Earth
>" Is recreation the same as re-creation?.".

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