Fw: insta-coiler

Howard S. Rosen hsrosen@emi.net
Fri, 8 May 1998 12:56:57 -0400

 From: Howard S. Rosen (hsrosen@emi.net)
 To: pianotech
 Subject: insta-coiler
 Date: Friday, May 08, 1998 7:46 AM
 I'm proud to say that I was 'in' at the birth of the insta-coiler. I
 Joe try to get a patent for it (which failed) and bought the very 1st
 insta-coiler he made.(after the proto type). I can say with certainty that
Joe Sciortino knows *exactly*
 what a becket is. (he probably invented it). Don't be mislead by
inadvertent typos or lack of specificity in our writing. Some techs take
more time than others and occasionally we fall short on an explanation when
we type. When using the tool, you need not make a becket, but one will
automatically form when you insert the plain straight wire, and begin
turning the lever.

Some tech wrote: (he didn't sign his post) 
 > It seems 
 >that sometimes it coiled on top of tuning pin hole.  I'm sure I 
 >had it set incorrectly and someone will explain what the problem 

The tool must be fully in the lowered position when cranking the lever.
However, one can be fooled by the tool leaning down on a neighboring coil
which gives the impression that it is correctly placed when in fact it
really isn't. Sometimes the tool *is* lowered correctly down on the pin,
but as you crank, the tool lowers down to the neighboring coil, then stops
in that place, so as you continue to crank it will cause the new coil to
wrap incorrectly. When you are aware of this, you will see that the tool is
magnificent. I wouldn't do without it. 

Howard S. Rosen, RPT
Boynton Beach, Florida

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