Free stuff (off topic)

Susan Kline
Wed, 20 May 1998 21:56:08

At 12:24 AM 5/21/98 EDT, Dave wrote:
>Dear List,
>My wife emailed this to me to pass along.  You may want to take advantage of
>this offer.  
>Dave Peake, RPT
>Portland, OR

Sorry, Dave. This leaves me highly sceptical!

>>>>>>>>  My name is Bill Gates.  Here at Microsoft
>>>>>>>> we have just compiled an e-mail tracing program that tracks everyone
>>>>>>>> to whom this message is forwarded to.
>>>>>>>> Forward this to everyone you know and if it reaches 1000 people,
>>>>>>>> everyone on the list will receive $1000 and a copy of Windows98 at my
>>>>>>>> expense.

and I'm the Queen of Bavaria ...

You can email me from Windows 98 or use 32 cents from the $1000 for a
sneering snail mail if I'm wrong ...


Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370

"I need more proof, before I can be absolutely certain that I do not exist."
			-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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