
Tim Keenan
Wed, 27 May 1998 08:25:06 -0700

Bill writes:

>I assume you have to leave the ivories clamped until the PVC-E has thoroughly
>set, in order to avoid curling.  Is there any way to use PVC-E for on the spot
>repairs in the home?
I don't know--I generally take any keys that need ivories replaced back to
the shop.   This is a drag if the piano is a long way from home.  That is a
problem with PVC-E--being a water emulsion, it does cause temporary curling
of the ivory.  It occurs to me (just now) that perhaps soaking the ivory in
warm water for a few minutes before applying the glue might prevent the
curling by expanding it equally on both faces.  I think I will do the
experiment with some old ivories I have lying about.  I will report back.

Tim Keenan

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