Janssen info needed.

Robert Goodale Robert.Goodale@nau.edu
Wed, 27 May 1998 08:02:21 -0700

Richard Moody wrote:
> I recently tuned a Janssen console 116331 (1952) and noticeced a split in
> some parts of the pin block joining or near the frame, looking down from
> the top.  I also noticed that the top bolts seemed to go all the way
> through, so the traditional repair of drilling these all the way through
> is moot. It looks like a carrage bold was used, and the head came in from
> the back, and the nut and a cap nut put in front. (the tuning pin side).
>  I am wondering if this was from the factory.

I have observed this problem many times, and have also seen it on a lot
of Wurlitzer uprights, particularly those which have the two-piece pin
block (seperate section for the bass, butt-jointed at the tenor break).
I recently even found a somewhat rare 1950's era Steinway console doing
this, but I would recommend rebuilding and block replacement in that
particular case. Typically I replaced all existing plate screws with
carrage bolts by drilling through the back of the piano, but often times
I have found it necessary to add additional bolts. You simply need to
locate areas along the top of the plate where there is some space
between the tuning pins and start drilling. It can often be a tight fit
and in some cases you may need to use some thinner bolts (hardened
1/4-20s for example), but if you can fit enough of them you can
sometimes pull things together, (or at least improve it). In addition, I
also squeeze as much "West System epoxy" (the real thin stuff, #105,
Pianotek), as I can get through the crack before tightening things up.
It sometimes helps to take the tension off the piano first so that you
are not fighting the strings while trying to close the gap. Not exactly
a "factory approved" method I'm sure, but it often works. Besides, if
the factory had done it right in the first place you wouldn't be doing
it. Good luck.

Rob Goodale, RPT

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