Electronic tuning devices

Clyde Hollinger cedel@redrose.net
Sat, 30 May 1998 16:48:22 -0400


I use a Peterson Model 520 Audio/Visual Tuner to help me with the
temperament and do everything else aurally.  I happened upon doing
things this way because there was a 520 in the department when I was a
music teacher (I have a Master of Music degree).  It was during that
time I started messing around with piano tuning.  I'm not proud of the
way I got started, but them's the facts, folks!

When I took the tuning test, I passed the temperament using the strobe
but actually scored better doing the aural temperament.  The CTE asked
why I use the thing.  For me it's still a little faster because I'm used
to doing it this way and I've gotten no complaints, but I'm still
hankering after an SAT or RCT.  Maybe one of these days!

Incidentally, the procedures that interest me most are those which yield
better results and yet take less time.  Will my using an SAT or RCT meet
these two criteria?

Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA

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