Renamed Scrolling Sideways

Clyde Hollinger
Sat, 30 May 1998 16:30:43 -0400

Douglas Hershberger wrote:
> Hi Del and list,
>    Del, I always enjoy your posts but I have to scroll sideways to read
> them. Does ayone else on the list have this problem or am I not doing
> something correctly with my browser? Non eof the other post I read have
> that problem. Thanks in advance.
> Doug Hershberger


It comes through that way here also, so it's not your browser.  I don't
have the answer, but I do remember wanting to clean up something I
wanted to remail, went through and removed the little arrows at the
front of each line.  When I checked my sent mail it had those long
lines.  So the next time I added the "arrows" about where I thought they
should be -- didn't work.  I hope someone more savvy about this email
stuff can help us out.

Clyde Hollinger, Lititz, PA

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