How Soon to Tune?

Mon, 20 Sep 1999 15:47:19 EDT

>My own personal bias is that anything more than 72 hours would be
>unnecessary. But I'm willing to learn.

   This will depend on the quality of the service.  I suggest two weeks.   
This allows the piano to cycle through the household's day/night changes, and 
generally get acclimated to the relative level of humidity at that time.  
    A larger reason for the wait is that two weeks of play will call forth 
break-in problems like damper pedals losing regulation, "sticking keys", 
maybe a jack pad that didn't really have enough glue will have fallen off, 
and the damper wires that moved early in their settling will be rattling.  
    A couple of weeks delay in that first tuning/service can save extra trips 
in the first two months or so. 

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