Clean up?

Thu, 14 Dec 2000 00:15:02 -0500

on 12/13/00 4:53 PM, Richard Oliver Snelson at

> Any tips on cleaning around the tuning pin areas of a grand.

Hey Richard,

        May I suggest investing in a 'china bristle' paint brush, about 2'
wide, with 3 to 4 inch bristles.  You'll know you've found the china bristle
brushes, when you see the price tag...about $12 compared to $3 for the
    This kind of brush will last or several year of hard use...( I use mine
'dry', to kick up dust while vaccuming around tuning pins, bridge pins and
caps, string under-felt, bass bridge skirt, etc)

    I like T.S.P. disolved in hot H 2 O, for nasty plate (and board)
cleaning, but I avoid using H 2 O around the pins. It can be done, with the
brush slightly moist. If the plate and board are real dirty, uniformity of
cleanliness is very dificult to acheive.
    Spurlocks 'soundboard cleaning tools, and the "Tiger-tail" (Pianotech)
are great investments.

Please post me for more specifics about using T.S.P. if you like.
Dan Reed
Dallas Chapter

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